Chevre Toast with Carmelized Onions and Morel Mushrooms


Oh Morels…

When I was a kid my dad and I would go hunting for Morels in the forest after it rained and ticks would be everyone on him and I would have to pick them off and maybe that isn’t the best visual or tone to set for a food blog.

so, anyways…

We harvested our first round of green beans this week and boy oh boy am I excited. I look forward to our green beans every year because they are so delicious and crisp and sweet.

We also harvested all of garlic last week and it is hanging up to dry in the greenhouse and barn. So we have garlic again which is a miracle because we ran out quite a while ago and I have been missing it since!

So, different than what this post is titled I also cooked something before I actually made the Chevre Toast. I quartered some red beets and brought to a boil and boiled them for about ten minutes. Our beets are straight from the field and super tender so your may take longer. just poke em with a fork to see if they are just soft enough. Don’t cook them too much they dry out and they lost nutrients!

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I sliced fennel bulb and walla walla onions and minced ‘special brown’ garlic. I carmelized that all in olive oil while the beets were boiling. in a seperate pan , I melted a tbsp of butter and added halved morel mushrooms. I let them soften and bubble for about three minutes. Right before the beets were about to be done, I added the green beans to the the carmelizing onion and fennel mixture and sauted them in that pan for about three minutes. You want them to be crisp still but softer than they were! and BRIGHT GREEN.


This is when I sliced some local Olive Levain bread and smeared goat garlic chevre onto it and topped with some  carmelized onions. 

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I drained the beets, added them to the plate, topped with green bean concoction and served it. It was all perfectly cooked and delicious and looked somewhat like this…





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